Whelen Consulting
Whelen Consulting
Whelen Consulting

Whelen Consulting

Land use projects are an energizing and crucial aspect to the revitalization of towns, cities and local economies. Well-designed projects can be beautiful, provide social connection, community pride and economic vitality. A skillfully orchestrated project can reuse undervalued, underutilized, damaged real estate for urban renewal and entrepreneurial reward.

But land use projects can also be challenging and complicated. Do you have the right team to accomplish a successful project? Do you have all the critical skills and qualities you need on your team in order to create a memorable, profitable project? To bring it through development review and public input to approval? To become a constructible, livable, valuable success?

Consider bringing a consultant onto your team with extensive knowledge of land use and environmental laws and regulations, and with years of experience taking projects through the design stage, public review and entitlement process. Consider bringing a consultant onto your team who can orchestrate many of the technical steps of your land use project, from early stage conceptual planning to the issuance of the occupancy permit.

Whelen Consulting can be your project advocate, identifying opportunities, potential liabilities, design opportunities, and then facilitating the steps and solutions that will save you time and money.

Patti V. Whelen, JD . PO Box 5021 . San Luis Obispo, CA 93403
Phone: (805) 503-9747 . E-mail: patti@whelenconsulting.com

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